Wednesday, February 5, 2014


As I'm pressing on in the battle over a lifetime of obesity, I read so much about other fighters and how they have won this battle over the flesh.  It is such an encouragement to me to see that yes it really can happen.  It doesn't happen overnight and everyone has a different story.  I saw this blog tonight and I saw this precious lady bare her soul to all of us and I was so incredibly humbled.  Here is her story in video

You can find this precious girl and her blog at:  It is certainly worth a trip over to her blog for incredible encouragement!

This gives me the oompf to not give in right now.  To say no to the temptations that call out to me.  I will say that with Trim Healthy Mama, I'm not hungry.  I just have to choose well and not give in! Tonight was a really yummy dinner.  I had the pulled pork fajita meat in two carb balance tortilla's with purple onion and dry slaw mix sprinkled in.  I did have about a tablespoon of bbq sauce to give it flavor.  I know that's not on plan, but it made my dinner yummy and I certainly am not going to gain weight on a tablespoon of sauce!  I'm making this real.  If I'm going to win this victory, it has to be real.  It has to be for life.

Philippians 3:12

New International Version (NIV)
12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.

I have to keep pressing on to the goal!  I learned a long time ago that press means to go forward with determined and energetic effort without ceasing!  Gotta get there!

Blessings from the Hilltop!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Trim Healthy Mama Family Menu Plan

This week I'm trying to make my menu based on what I have in my pantry.  I still have to go to the store, but it's not a full out grocery list.  It's just the milk, eggs, cheese and frozen strawberries list! So here it goes:

Breakfasts: Oatmeal with apples (times 3)
                   pancakes, sausage, eggs and toast for kids
                   cinnamon muffins for kids, lemon MIM for me
                   sausage breakfast bake

Lunch: (Don't you just wish lunch could go away?!)
             burritos with cheese and apples (times 3)
             grilled cheese or pbj (times 3)

Dinner: Sausage Soup with homemade rolls, Shredded Pork Fajitas with onions and peppers,
            Oven baked burger w/bacon and cheese, roasted potatoes (for hubby and kids) salad for me,
            spaghetti and meat sauce, rolls and salad, Homemade pizza, Fooled Ya Pizza for me (page 276                     in the THM book),  chicken with broccoli and salad and crock-pot taco soup.

I try to fix the same thing for the family and make minor adjustments for me.  If I make pancakes, I make myself THM pancakes.  If I'm making muffins, I make enough for snacks later in the day for the kids and then MIM (muffin in a mug) for myself.  Simplification is my word this year.  So my meals have to fall in line!  That means If the kids are eating a sandwich, I'm going to have a form of one too.  I will use sprouted grain with turkey or chicken.  This week, I'm really trying to make sure I'm getting plenty of E meals!  When we eat tacos, I use the Carb Balance tortillas.  I love those! Many of my meals are throw together or what I've gleaned off of Pinterest.  Be patient with me while I learn to link my recipes.  If you see something and wonder about the recipe feel free to ask!

This week the meals I'm trying off of Pinterest are: ,  I'm not sure if this is the way to do this, but I'll figure it out.  I love the lemon MIM.  I usually top it with frozen blueberries that I have heated and added a bit of sweetener.  I also like to add chia seeds to this.

The way I make Sausage Soup: I use a box of chicken or beef stock, whatever sausage I have, like turkey smoked sausage or today I'm using an organic chicken, spinach and asiago cheese one.  Slice up what your family would eat.  This is the time that I use less meat, because it's a meal accent.  I add a large Aldi can of crushed tomatoes, a can of water, a can of white beans, seasonings like salt and pepper.  Before I add any of the ingredients I saute an onion and several cloves of fresh garlic then throw in the sausage.  After that is cooked I add the other ingredients and simmer all day or an hour, whatever I have time for.  About 15 minutes before we eat, I throw in several large handfuls of spinach.  I also add some red pepper flakes.  It gives it a little kick.

To fill up hollow legs and tummies, I will round out meals with lots of bread for the family.  Today I'm making dinner rolls, and bread.  That will help be a cheap filler! Later I will post about snacks.  Happy cooking!

Hilltop Blessings,
PSALM 34:8
New International Version (NIV)
"Taste and see that the Lord is good;
    blessed is the one who takes refuge in him."

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Time Flies When.....

Well it's been exactly two years since the last time I posted!  Time flies when  you are growing up four children and a husband!  I have been on a journey to peace.  Peace in my heart, peace in my home, peace no matter what the circumstances!

God the lover of my soul, who loves me even when I'm not lovable, has seen me through the dark places and the places of real joy!  In these two years, we have entered the "teen years"!  Ben is 14 and Daniel 13.  Wow, not as bad as I had heard, but definitely a challenge.  These menboys are growing, changing and EATING their way into becoming men!.  They are definitely a joy and a delight to my heart.  Jonathan 11, is ever my busy boy!  He is my wood chopper, my wood hauler and intent with tackling the "gift" of dyslexia. Then there is Katie.  Those of you who have followed me in the past, know that we adopted Katie and that she has had considerable health problems.  She is such a fighter.  This past Spring she came off the medication that was being used to help treat her Neutropenia.  She is healthy and seems to have licked this terrible blood disorder.  The Oncologists, have not released her yet, but I bet it won't be long!

I have been learning the ins and outs of Trim Healthy Mama!  I love it and have lost almost 25 pounds!  I should have lost more, but I know Rome was not built in a day!  If you have struggled with  your weight or just want to be healthy, this is an awesome plan.  My intention for returning to my blog was to journal about my menus and path to a healthy body.  I want to be able to win this fight for health in my mind, body and spirit.  I know that will honor the Lord and it will bring Him glory, because only He can do it through me!

Hilltop Blessings,